Des McKenna O.A.M – Woodcarver & Sculptor
'Flight of the Eagles'


Sculptural Mural - Flight of the Eagles
Herbert King and Sons Funeral Parlour Reception Room
364 Warrigal Rd Ashwood Vic 3147
"You yourselves have seen... how I carried you on eagles wings and brought you to myself"
The mural consists of three individual wood carvings depicting eagles in soaring flight.
The central eagle represents the spirit of the recently departed loved one who is soaring away from the present life but taking the opportunity to say a final farewell to those left behind before joining the other two eagles circling in the background waiting to act as escorts to the new life which awaits.
The central eagle is carved in symbolic form to individualise it from the other, more recognisable escort eagles.
The central eagle is carved from a large River Red Gum burl (Eucalyptus camaldulensis ) from Laanecoorie near Bendigo in central Victoria. The two smaller eagles are carved from very old Jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata ) railway sleepers from Western Australia. The beaks of the eagles are carved from Huon Pine (Lagarostrobos franklinii ) from Strahan in Tasmania.
In carving these sculptures I have tried to capture my own experiences and my feelings whilst watching eagles soaring over my home. Feelings of great excitement, and of wonderment at the beauty and majesty of these magnificent creatures as they effortlessly use the winds and thermals and treat with disdain the half-hearted attempts of other birds to chase them away from their " territory ".
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